8 - Random textures are invisible?
There are a few reasons why this can happen:
1 - If AA has not been disabled in the driver settings or in the Fallout.ini file. Correct settings can be found here. (LINK)
2 - If the memory settings has not been set correctly in the enblocal.ini file. Correct settings can be found here. (LINK)
3 - If for whatever random reason the ENB fix works different in different areas. As the ENB issue has already been addressed by .esp files, the ENB 'fix' setting needs to be 'off', or it will actually reverse the .esp fix. However, if the invisible textures appear slightly green, turning the ENB fix 'on' might help. It can be turned on/off in-game by entering the ENB settings consol. (Shift+Enter). Or it can be changed in the enblocal.ini under '[FIX]' variable 'FixTransparencyBugs=false'. Just change it to 'FixTransparencyBugs=true'.

How To Install Fose Fo3

9 - Some NPCs have pink hair or cloths/armor.
This can happen if an NPC is missing a texture. This happens either if something went wrong during installation of the specific NPC mod, or if not all the recommended texture resource mods (Base textures) were installed correctly, as some NPC's depend on these.
It could also be due to incorrect load-order. See load-order here (LINK)

10 - Most NPCs face color doesn't match their body.
Same reasons as number 9.


11 - Some NPCs face color doesn't match their body.
This is due to incorrect match between head/body color code. The only fix for this, is not to install any face/body textures, and therefore no head/body model replacers either. In my personal opinion, the default models and textures are extremely bland, so I much rather have a few NPCs with a slight mismatch between head/body color, than having every single character in the game look boring. But that's a matter of taste. If the few color mismatches are too annoying for your eye, then simply uninstall he character model replacer and the character textures.

12 - Everything is too dark, or everything is too bright?
Every monitor is different, and everyone has different display settings, so what looks good on one monitor, might look too dark or too bright on another. Instead of changing your monitor settings, this can easily be changed within the ENB.
Open up the ENB settings in-game (Shift+Enter), and find 'Brightness'. Change the value so it matches your monitor and personal preference.

13 - I can't find the download link on Boris's website. Where is it?
First click the latest version to get to the download page. Now scroll to the very bottom, and the download link will be a tiny square. I know, not the first place people look, and I would certainly have put it somewhere else, but that's Boris's choice.

14 - The game crashes before the menu, or right after loading/starting a new game.
This is due to incorrect load-order. See load-order here (LINK)

15 - The FOV camera mod complains that FOSE is not installed.
This is nothing to worry about. FOSE works just fine. Open up the mod settings (Under apparel in the Pip-boy 3000) and you will see that everything works fine.

Nexus Mods Fallout 3 Fose

16 - The water looks really weird (Above surface)
This can happen with different AA settings. Try disabling AA everywhere, even in the ENB settings.
enblocal.ini - make these changes:
This should fix the problem. Now try different AA settings and see what works. It might differ from system to system and drivers etc..

Fallout Script Extender Fose

17 - How does Animated Prostitution work?
1 How to start the mod.
The adult content of this mod will not be available until you start the quest, and speak to one of the working girls.
2 Once the content has been activated, open the Pip-Boy and go to 'Aid' and Select 'Sex Options'.
First choose 'Body's', then select 'Mens', 'Females' and 'Player' one by one, and select 'Use FOSE Unequip/Equip' in all 3 instances. (See images)
After that, go to 'Options', and select 'Cam options'. Here I recommend selecting 'Use FOSE Free cam'. (See images)
Then go to 'Same sex options' and select 'I have a strap on'. (See images) *This will enable female character players to use the mod as well
*If the animations don't work, then the load-order is incorrect. (See Tweaks for correct load-order)

Fo3 Fose

18 - I can't find my question(s) here.
Try the Nexus F3BP Blog - There are some answered questions already, and you can post any new question you might have.